Category Archives: Things that DON'T involve cooking

What About the Cooking?

Okay, so I know everyone is asking me why I haven’t cooked lately. I have to tell you the truth, I’ve been getting bored by looking at the same posts every time I get on here, and so every once in a while when I don’t get a chance to cook for a while, I just like to give you updates.  Even thought like half of this blog is “updates”! But I do have SOME things to talk about. For a few nights, since we haven’t had the chance to do some meat shopping, I’ve been making boxed meals! HOW FUN! I am a complete PRO at boxed meals!!! Have you even seen those boxed meals at the store that are called “Wanchi Ferry”? Well, I have had to make those for a while, because that was all we had the ingredients for. It’s sad, I have five more months to do all these different recipes, and I haven’t even made a trip to the store to get all the ingredients I need. My mom, who has WWAAAYYY too much on her mind lately, decided to take a long luxurious weekend to herself in Williams-burg, so I can’t go this weekend. I’ll make sure I start getting on a roll next week. School also starts next week for me, so I’m going to be VERY busy these coming weeks. Lots of homework. Cooking stuff I need to study, and school work that needs to be done. But I’m ready for work! Totally ready! I always feel like a bum at the close end of summer, when all my friends start school, and I’m just still sitting on my butt doing nothing, and when I see all them talking about homework, and they are all at Volley-ball practice and have tons to do, I feel like I need work. So, yeah, I need it. I’m going to get into good habits this year. I think I’ll go so I can plan my good routine! I will have LOTS to do this year, but I’m ready. I’m thirteen, and in eight grade. I think I should start being a little more responsible! And mom, you’ll be proud of me when you read this, and you might be sarcastic and all like “sure Dana!” but this is true! I’m ready to be busy, and I’m ready to finish this cookbook! I think I’m setting some good goals! And I promise that I will start up “Get in there and Cook” again next week! WE live super close to a Food Lion, so we can go there, and get all kinds of meat, and yummy ingredients! Are you ready to see me finish strong???!! I know I am! Wish me luck, and pray that I won’t be a bum anymore. I feel weird being one of those. I’m done being one! I do my work. All kinds of it! Chores and everything! Wish me luck! 🙂

In Memory of My Dearest Lydia Fray

Today has been a hard day for a lot, a lot of people. There was once a very happy missionary family of four. One amazing father, with the name of Nathan, then an incredible mom, named Diane. There was a little, adorable girl named Priscilla. Then there was an amazing, adorable, happy, girl of 13 named  Lydia. She was an amazing missionary girl with her parents, and she touched more people then ANYONE can imagine. There’s a story to go with the story about the memories I’ve had with her. When she was born, she had many health problems. She was born with an exposed spine, so she’s been in a wheel-chair her whole life. She hasn’t had one moment where she could walk. Not one moment. But she NEVER let that bother her. Diane and Nathan were married, and they were called to be missionaries to Sau Pualo, Brazil. They were, and still are the best missionary family I have ever met. They were always happy, and every single thing they did, they did it all for God. I was sad the day they had to leave from their furlough, and I didn’t even get to say goodbye to my dearest Lydia. I hadn’t felt good their last night to see them, and I was totally mad at myself that I didn’t go. Then we got word  that Lydia had been diagnosed with pneumonia. But a few days later, the doctors said she had a blood clot. So they decided to do some surgery. So at ten o’clock at night a few days ago, they were going to perform a surgery to fix everything, but they had sent out word that they canceled the surgery. And so they had her bed rest, and they were keeping a super close eye on her. So, I mean, just one thing led to another, and to make an even longer story short. She went brain-dead, she didn’t know how to do anything, and she was just a little, innocent girl, lying on her bed, waiting for her Heavenly Father to bring her Home. And then tonight, God finally decided to call her to his amazing Kingdom. We had been waiting for this moment for a long time,  ever since she started getting sick. What caused this was the plane ride back to Brazil. The air and just all the stuff they use in planes just messed up her lungs and she was sick from the day they got on the plane. I have been very sad, and I know that her family has a big loss in their family. She made many people happy, and she’s been a big part in their lives too. So right now, my Lydia, I am in loss, and grieve that you have left our world. But you know? She can walk! She can totally walk. And better than that! She can RUN! She can run as fast as she want! And that’s just amazing! And it’s really hard to describe what she’s feeling up there in Heaven with God! It’s a blessing! And more than anyone wanted for her. She’s standing and talking with God, and wow, she’s just probably the happiest person right now! I am running out of amazing things to say about her and what she might be feeling, because there’s not much to say about how happy she is. She’s with God, and walking, and running, and she’s better off there, then she will ever be in our dirty world! Everything is great fer her. Everything! And so now, even with all the tears, and heart breaks, I praise God that he created this world, and gave Lydia to us, and I praise God that He sent His Son to die for us, and to save us from never having the peace and foreverness in Heaven! God is good, in all ways, and he always will be. I love Lydia, and the rest of the Frays, and I want everyone to pray for their family while they are recovering from this terrible loss. I pray for you, Mrs. Fray, Mr. Fray, and you too Priscilla! You are the greatest family anyone could ever meet! You are the sunshine on a cloudy day… and I will forever love you!

Your friend and sister in Christ,


Well! Finally! A teenager!

Yesterday was FINALLY the first day of my teen years! I turned 13 yesterday and I felt great and happy! I had a great party with my friends, had a sleepover and had a blast! I have some sad news though. I had my party outside for a concert under the stars, and there was no way what-so-ever I could make and take Death by Chocolate, so I’m sorry to say, I did not make Death be Chocolate. I know, I’m a bad girl!!! But even though we didn’t have my dream cake, we did have some ADORABLE cupcakes! Well, you see, my color is TOTALLY, EXTREMELY, UNBELIEVABLY… purple! So I got some white icing and then use blue and red food coloring to make it purple and I made really cute cupcakes! And my mom picked up some dark purple m&ms and I put those on top! They were so good and cute and it was great! And another thing that made my day even more special was that at the concert you know there’s like almost 200 people… so I had to go up to the front and the whole crowd sang happy birthday to me! It was so embarrassing, but special! Anyway, I had an amazing birthday! I love all my friends and family because they make me feel so special and love me more then anything! So thank you to all my friends for being, like, the best people that I could EVER know! I love you ALL!!!!!! 🙂

p.s.! I forget to tell you that right after the whole crowd sang happy birthday to me, I got to go up on the stage and conduct the band for a few minutes! Maybe like two! So that was special too!