So, that’s me.


I’m just a teen-aged girl who loves to cook, play violin, and do stuff with life. I can’t stand sitting around at home, which is good, because my life is pretty crazy during the school year

I home school.  I have my whole life, and I love it!:)  I am very blessed, because a local christian school allows homeschoolers to do activities at the school.  Like sports and music classes. Being the un-athletic person I am, I sort of pretend that the sports don’t exist. It’s all about the music for me. 🙂

Cooking is my passion, although I don’t find much time for it. Music and school are my main focuses, which I personally think are more suitable for a high-schooler anyways. Cooking is something I plan on pursuing after I graduate. Photography has recently become quite appealing to me, and I really love taking pictures. It’s another really big hobby of mine. I love spending time with the people I love. My big brother, Jesse is super cool, and I love being silly with him. My parents are supportive of me, in everything I love, and everything I want to do, and everything I hope to become. I wouldn’t be where I am today without  my friends and family.

So, that’s me.

16 responses »

  1. thank you dana…ur one of my best friends out of all my best friends…and theres only 3 of ur kind , well 4 including u! ❤

  2. Dana: I enjoyed meeting you last night. I am reading your blog and your writing and your cooking journey are fantastic. I love your story about the duct tape. That was hilarious. But, it shows that you can have fun in any atmosphere with just a little imagination. Keep cooking! I will be following you.

  3. Hey dana nice website i like it!:)

  4. Super cool website Dana!!! =D

  5. Dana, I just love reading about your dishes. Those Lamp chops look so good. I have only tasted lamb one time and it was Ok.
    I’ll bet yours were much better than the ones I had long ago.
    I sure was glad to visit and see you again. It had been such a long time.
    Well take care, keep up the good cookin and I do hope I’ll be able to get some of it next time
    Love Ya

  6. You are doing a wonderful job Dana. I am so impressed. I will come back here often to get new ideas for cooking for my sweet little ladies.

  7. Dana your website is pretty cool! you have alot of cool recipies 🙂 they look really good too!

  8. Hello Dana, wow thanks for sharing your recipes i was think could you send me so muffin recipes i am getting tied of my old ones!!! thanks 8)


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